The home sub-header section is capable of displaying three different views: slider, google maps, or a static banner. By default, the static banner is displayed.
To configure the home slider, navigate to Appearance > Theme Options. Then click on the Home tab and open the Subheader Section drop down. Select the “Display Slider” option. The slider has 3 configurable options which are as follows: slider source, number of slides, and slider speed. Configure these options as desired.
*Note: In order to create slides, you must use either the slides custom post type or the properties custom post type depending on which option you chose for the slider source.
The second view option for the sub-header is the google maps view. If selected, this option will display a map and automically place properties from the properties custom post type. You can set the default map zoom, latitude, and longitude.
The third view option for the sub-header is a static banner. This is the default option. You can set the banner text and background image.