Knowledge Base

Sidebars / Widget Areas

Sidebars / Widget Areas

There are a total of 5 widget areas available in the Easy Living Theme: Page Sidebar, Blog Sidebar, Home Widget Section, About Widget Section, and Footer Widget Section.

Page Sidebar

The page sidebar is available on all pages, excluding blog pages. When you create a new page, if you select a left or right sidebar layout, the page sidebar will be included in your layout. To add or remove widgets from the page sidebar, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag widgets from the left column into the “Page Sidebar” box.

Blog Sidebar

The blog sidebar is available on all blog pages (main posts page, single posts, category pages, etc.). When you create a blog page, if you select a left or right sidebar layout, the blog sidebar will be included in your layout. To add or remove widgets from the blog sidebar, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag widgets from the left column into the “Blog Sidebar” box.

Home Widget Section

The home widget section is only available on a page that uses the “Home Template”. It is located at the bottom of the home template. To add or remove widgets from the home widget section, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag widgets from the left column into the “Home Widget Section” box.

About Widget Section

The about widget section is only available on a page that uses the “About Template”. To add or remove widgets from the about widget section, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag widgets from the left column into the “About Widget Section” box.

Footer Widget Section

The footer widget section is available in the footer of every page. It utilizes a four column layout to place your widgets. To add or remove widgets from the footer widget section, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. Then drag widgets from the left column into the “Footer Widget Section” box.