Homely comes pre-packaged with 8 custom buildt widgets: Contact Info, List Properties, Property Filter, List Agents, List Posts, Social Links, Mortgage Calculator and User Card. Place these widgets in any of the widget areas mentioned above to enhance the functionality of your site.
The Contact Info widget allows you to quickly display custom contact information, such as your address, phone and email.
The List Properties widget displays recent or featured properties. You can select the number of properties to display, and also filter by property type, status, and location.
The Property Filter widget displays an advanced property filter module. By default, the filter will match the configuration of the filter on the home page (See the documentation for Home Page Filter Options). However, you can choose to configure each widget differently if needed.
The List Agents widget displays a list of agents. You can control the number of agents displayed. You can also control if the agent list is sorted by recent agents or by the agents number of assigned properties (descending).
The List Posts widget displays a list of recent posts. You can control the number of posts, the thumbnail display, the category, the date display, the excerpt display, as well as the number of characters in the excerpt.
The Social Links widget displays a list of social icons. Your social profile links can be set in the theme options. Navigate to Theme Options > Contact & Social. In the Social Media section, you can set a url for each of the available social platforms. These social profiles will be displayed in the Social Links widget.
The Mortgage Calculator widget displays a calculator you can use to determine your mortgage based on several parameters.
The User Card widget displays information on a specific user. The user can be retrieved by their ID, or if no ID is set, the widget will display information on the currently logged in user. This widget is very useful for displaying user information on the user dashboard sidebar or other member-only pages.