Home Page Filter Options
To configure the filter options, navigate to Theme Options > Home Page > Filter Options. You can adjust the following options accordingly:
- Display Fitler on Home Page – toggle on/off the filter on the home page
- Filter Layout – Full width filter spans the width of the screen, the boxed filter stays within the page container
- Display Fitler Tabs – toggle on/off the filter tabs (property statuses) displayed at the top of the filter.
- Fitler Fields – For each filter field, you can toggle it on or off, as well as edit it’s label. The order of the fields can be adjusted by dragging and dropping a field to the desired position.
- Price Range Minimum – Set the minimum price range for the price slider. This should be a numerical value only.
- Price Range Maximum – Set the maximum price range for the price slider. This should be a numerical value only and greater than the minimum.
- Price Range Minimum Start – Set the default minimum starting position for the price slider. This should be a numerical value only.
- Price Range Maximum Start – Set the default maximum starting position for the price slider. This should be a numerical value only and greater than the minimum.
- Submit Button Text – Set the text displayed on the form submit button.