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Homely comes with 22 shortcodes that you can use to quickly build robust pages. Shortcodes can be added to any content area of the theme. Below is a list of all the shortcodes and their parameters:
Creates a module block which can be styled and hold other shortcodes and content.
class – the module class name.
container – wether to include content in container or not. Default: true
padding_top – the amount of padding above the module in pixels. Default: 70px
padding_bottom – the amount of padding below the module in pixels. Default: 70px
bg_color – the hexadecimal or rgb value of the background color.
bg_img – the url path for a background image.
bg_fixed – make the background image position fixed.
text_color – the hexadecimal or rgb value of the text color within the module.
[rre_module class="services" container="true"] /* content goes here */ [/rre_module]
Displays a module heading and divider.
title – the title text.
text – the text that displays below the title.
position – the alignment of the module header (left, right, or center). Default: left
[rre_module_header title="Services" text="Our amazing services." position="center"]
Creates a row in which columns can be placed. Used for structural page layout.
Parameters: none
[rre_row] /* content goes here */ [/rre_row]
Creates a column used for structural page layout.
span – the width of the column. Ranges from 1 to 12.
[rre_col span="4"] /* content goes here */ [/rre_col]
Displays a button.
url – the url path the button links to.
type – the size of the button (small or large).
position – the alignment of the button (left, right, or center).
[rre_button url="http://rypecreative.com/" type="large" position="center"] /* button text goes here */ [/rre_button]
Displays an alternative button.
url – the url path the button links to.
type – the size of the button (small or large).
position – the alignment of the button (left, right, or center).
[rre_button_alt url="http://rypecreative.com/" type="large" position="center"] /* button text goes here */ [/rre_button_alt]
Displays a block quote.
Parameters: none
[rre_quote] /* content goes here */ [/rre_quote]
Displays an informational message box.
type – the type of alert box (info, success, warning, error). Default: success
[rre_alert_box type="error"] There was an error [/rre_alert_box]
Displays a service item with icon and text.
icon – the url path to the icon image.
title – the service title.
text – the service text that displays below the title.
[rre_service icon="/path/to/icon" title="My Service" text="this is some text"][/rre_service]
Displays a team member item.
img – the url path to the team member image.
name – the team member’s name.
title – the team member’s title.
bio – a short description of the team member.
facebook – the url to the team member’s facebook profile.
twitter – the url to the team member’s twitter profile.
google – the url to the team member’s google plus profile.
instagram – the url to the team member’s instagram profile.
linkedin – the url to the team member’s linkedin profile.
youtube – the url to the team member’s youtube profile.
vimeo – the url to the team member’s vimeo profile.
flickr – the url to the team member’s flickr profile.
dribbble – the url to the team member’s dribbble profile.
[rre_team_member facebook="#" twitter="#" google="#" img="/path/to/team/member/img/" bio="I've been selling homes for 12 years." name="John Doe" title="CEO & Founder"][/rre_team_member]
Displays a hexagon.
Parameters: none
[rre_hex] Hexagon text [/rre_hex]
Displays a video with link to lightbox.
title – the title of the video.
url – the url path to the video.
cover_img – the url path to the video cover image.
[rre_video title="My Video" url="/path/to/video" cover_img="/path/to/cover/img"][/rre_video]
Displays a tabs container.
Parameters: none
[rre_tabs] /* individual tabs go here */ [/rre_tabs]
Displays a tab. Must be used within the [tabs] shortcode.
id – the id of the tab.
title – the title of the tab.
icon – the font awesome class for the tab icon.
[rre_tab id="1" title="Tab 1" icon="user"] /* tab content goes here */ [/rre_tab]
[rre_tab id="2" title="Tab 2" icon="pencil"] /* tab content goes here */ [/rre_tab]
Displays an accordion container.
Parameters: none
[rre_accordions] /* individual accordion tabs go here */ [/rre_accordions]
Displays an accordion. Must be used within the [accordions] shortcode.
title – the title of the accordion.
[rre_accordion title="Accordion 1"] /* accordion content goes here */ [/rre_accordion]
[rre_accordion title="Accordion 2"] /* accordion content goes here */ [/rre_accordion]
Displays a list of properties.
show_posts – the number of properties to show. Default: 3
show_header – wether or not to show the listing header (true or fasle). Default: false
show_pagination – wether or not to show the listing page navigation links. Default: true
layout – the listing layout (grid, row, or tile). Default: grid
property_status – filter the listings by a property status. Use the term’s slug.
property_location – filter the listings by a property location. Use the term’s slug.
property_type – filter the listings by a property type. Use the term’s slug.
featured – if set to true, shows only featured listings. (true or false). Default: false
[rre_list_properties show_posts="3" show_header="true" show_pagination="false" layout="row" property_status="for-rent"][/rre_list_properties]
Displays a carousel style property slider.
show_posts – the number of properties to show. Default: 3
property_status – filter the listings by a property status. Use the term’s slug.
property_location – filter the listings by a property location. Use the term’s slug.
property_type – filter the listings by a property type. Use the term’s slug.
featured – if set to true, shows only featured listings. (true or false). Default: false
[rre_list_properties_slider featured="true" show_posts="8"][/rre_list_properties_slider]
Displays the terms of a property taxonomy.
tax – the taxonomy to show. Use the taxonomy slug. Default: property_type
show_posts – the number of terms to show. Default: 6
orderby – how to order the terms. Default: count
order – the direction of the order (ASC or DESC). Default: DESC
*Note: to set each taxonomy term image, navigate to Properties > [taxonomy_name]. Then choose a term to edit from the right side of the page. At the bottom of the edit form, there is a field labeled “Category Image Url”. Use this field to upload an image and then click Update.
[rre_list_property_tax orderby="name" order="ASC"][/rre_list_property_tax]
Displays a list of agents.
show_posts – the number of agents to show. Default: 4
show_pagination – wether or not to show the listing page navigation links. Default: false
[rre_list_agents show_posts="4" show_pagination="true"][/rre_list_agents]
Displays the testimonial container.
Parameters: none
[rre_testimonials] /* individual testimonials go here */ [/rre_testimonials]
Displays a testimonial. Must be used within the [testimonials] shortcode.
img – the url path to the tesitmonial image.
name – the testimonial’s name.
title – the testimonial’s title.
[rre_testimonial img="/path/to/img" name="John Doe" title="Founder"] This is the testimonial text [/rre_testimonial]