Knowledge Base



Along with the shortcodes provided in NS Basics, PropertyShift comes with 5 additional shortcodes:


Display a list of properties.

show_posts – the number of properties to show. Default: 12
show_header – displays the listing count and Sort By field directly above the listings. Default: false
show_pagination – displays the pagination directly below the listings. Default: true
layout – controls the listing layout template. Default: grid
cols – controls the number of columns if using the grid layout. Default: 2
property_status – enter a term to slug to filter the listings by property status. Default: none
property_neighborhood – enter a term to slug to filter the listings by property neighborhood. Default: none
property_city – enter a term to slug to filter the listings by property city. Default: none
property_state – enter a term to slug to filter the listings by property state. Default: none
property_type – enter a term to slug to filter the listings by property type. Default: none
featured – display only featured properties. Default: false


Display a list or grid of property taxonomy terms.

tax – enter the slug of the taxonomy to display. Default: property_type
terms – a comma-separated list of term slugs. Default: none
layout – determines the layout. Can be grid or carousel. Default: grid
show_posts – the number of terms to display. Default: 5
orderby – the order of the terms. Default: count
order – the directional order of the terms. Default: DESC
hide_empty – hide terms with no posts. Default: true


Display a property filter.


Display a list of agents.

number – the number of agents to show. Default: 12
orderby – criteria for which to order agents by. It can be any value supported by the native WP_User_Query. Default: display_name
order – direction of the order. It can be ASC or DESC. Default: ASC
show_pagination – displays the pagination directly below the listings. Default: true
cols – controls the number of columns if using the grid layout. Default: 3


Display the agent profile template.

Parameters: none